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Ieva Trinkūnaitė

Born in 1997, Kaunas, Lithuania



2016-2020   Vilnius Academy of Arts, Graphic Art Department, bachelor, Lithuania


solo exhibitions

2021   “In To The Wild”, organized by Sun Blanket Foundation, Seoul, (South Korea)
2020 10 09-24   “Instinct” in Vilnius Academy of Arts gallery Titanikas, Vilnius  
2019 10 01-25   “En el barrio* (*in the neighborhood” (in spanish)”, gallery „5 Malūnai“, Vilnius


group exhibitons

2021   “New Age of Baltic”, organized by Sun Blanket Foundation, Seoul, (South Korea)

2021   participating in the project „Menas be stogo“, Vilnius
2020   participating in the project „Menas be stogo“, Vilnius
2019   Algimantas Švėgžda drawing competition, Vilnius
2019   Foundry Art Centre’s, Putting it Together 2: The Art of Assembling Exhibition, Missouri (JAV) 
2019   Second International Print Biennale, Yerevan 2019 (Armenia)
2018   8th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2018, Leipzig (Germany), Urbino (Italy)
2018   Lithography competition “III. International Lithography Days”, Munich (Germany)




Sun Blanket Foundation
Lewben Art Foundation

China Printmaking Museum

private art collections



2019   won a 10-day rest at the Nida Art Colony by participating in the Algimantas Švėgžda drawing competition 
2019   the jury prize Foundry Art Center, Putting It Together 2: The Art of Assembling, Missouri, (USA)


other activity

2019   organized and led creative workshops „Atspausk!“, Culture night, Vilnius
2018   participated in the internation lithuanians and latvians wall painting project “The Baltic Wild Walls”
2017   participated in the international project “London Pop - Up Illustration” , Vilnius



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